Автор: Todd McLeod
Название: Web Development w/ Google’s Go (golang) Programming Language
Мова програмування Go була створена компанією Google для того, щоб робити те, що робить Google: виконувати веб-додатки в масштабі.
Мода програмування Go - це найкращий вибір для програмування веб-розробок сьогодні.
У Ruby on Rails, Python, Django, Node.js, PHP та ASP все коротше.
Go - це найпотужніша, найефективніша та масштабована мова програмування сьогодні для створення веб-додатків, веб-API, мікросервісів та інших розповсюджених служб.
У цьому курсі ви отримаєте міцну основу в веб-розробці. Ви дізнаєтесь все наступне та багато іншого:
Architecture - networking architecture
- the client / server architecture
- the request / response pattern
- the RFC standards defined by the IETF
- the format of requests from clients and responses from servers
Templates - the role that templates play in server-side programming
- how to work with templates from Go’s standard library
- modifying data structures to work well with templates
Servers - the relationship between TCP and HTTP
- how to build a TCP server which responds to HTTP requests
- how to create a TCP server which acts as an in-memory database
- how to create a restful TCP server that handles various routes and methods
- the difference between a web server, a servemux, a multiplexer, and a mux
- how to use a third-party server such as julien schmidt’s router
- the importance of HTTP methods and status codes
The net/http package - streamlining your web development with the net/http package
- the nuances of the net/http package
- the handler interface
- http.ListenAndServe
- creating your own servemux
- using the default servemux
- http.Handle & http.Handler
- http.Handlefunc, func(ResponseWriter, *Request), & http.HandlerFunc
- http.ServeContent, http.ServeFile, & http.FileServer
- http.StripPrefix
- http.NotFoundHandler
State & Sessions - how to create state: UUID’s, cookies, values in URL’s, security
- how to create sessions: login, permissions, logout
- how to expire a session
Deployment - how to purchase a domain
- how to deploy an application to Google Cloud
Amazon Web Services - how to use Amazon Web Services (AWS)
- how to create a virtual linux machine on AWS EC2 (Elastic Cloud Compute)
- how to use secure shell (SSH) to manage a virtual machine
- how to use secure copy (SCP) to transfer files to a virtual machine
- what load balancers are and how to use them on AWS
MySQL - how to use MySQL on AWS
- how to connect a MySQL workbench to AWS
MongoDB - understanding CRUD
- how to use MongoDB & Go
MVC (Model View Controller) Design Pattern - understanding the MVC design pattern
- using the MVC design pattern
Docker - virtual machines vs containers
- understanding the benefits of using Docker
- Docker images, Docker containers, and Docker registries
- implementing Docker and Go
- deploying Docker and Go
Google Cloud - Google Cloud Storage
- Google Cloud no-sql datastore
- Google Cloud memcache
- Google Cloud PAAS App Engine
Web Dev Toolkit - AJAX
- json.Marhsal & json.Unmarshal
- json.Encode & json.Decode
- Hash message authentication code (HMAC)
- Base64 encoding
- Web storage
- Context
- JSON with Go using Tags
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