Что включено: The best skin action ever! - This action brightens and smooths skin to make your subject flawless!
Warm up the skin - Make your subject look warm and pretty while keeping a nice cool background with this must have action!
Cheeks too red - A cold day can give you red cheeks. Tone them down with this action!
Snow White - Get nice bright white snow with this action!
Winter Contrast - Just a touch of contrast while keeping whites, white!
Photo Overexposed - If you have photos that are too exposed, this action is for you!
Photo Underexposed - If your photo is underexposed, fix it quick with this action!
Those Midtones! - Add some midtones with this action!
Snow Vignette - This vignette will be gorgeous around your snow photos!
Just a Vignette - A normal black vignette.
Snowfall - A hazy snow looking action!
Peppermint - With a touch of red, this creative action will add a touch of glamour to all your snow photos!
Cocoa - A nice natural looking tone to add to your photos!
Pine - Got lots of greens in your photo (like a pine tree)?? Enhance it with this action!
Snow Angel - This creative cool action will help you to enhance your photos beautifully!
Gingerbread - A gorgeous creative action to enhance tones in a natural way!
Happy Snow Days - This bright action will add some happiness to your darker photos that need a punch!
Sleigh Ride - With a bright cool tone, this action will add lots of creativity and flair to your photo!
Sugarplum - This action is a pretty purple like tone to add beauty!
Snowflake - A simple action to give just a touch of creativity!
Bold Contrast - Use this to add a touch of bold to your photos with a heavier contrast!
Что включено в пресеты: Cocoa - A natural tone to enhance your image with creative flair!
Gingerbread - A must have preset to add some gorgeous color to your photo!
Happy Snow Days - A bright, happy preset!
Just a Vignette - A vignette for all your photos!
Snow Vignette - A white vignette to enhance all the white in your snow!
Peppermint - A reddish tone to add beauty to your photos and lots of creativity!
Photo Overexposed - Bring down the exposure to an overexposed photo with this preset!
Photo Underexposed - Bright up the exposure to an underexposed photo with this preset!
Just a little Light - Add just a small amount of brightening with this quick to use preset!
Highlight Reducer - Reduce highlights quickly with this one click preset!
Pine - If you have a photo with lots of greens in the background (like pine trees!), this preset will enhance them!
Sleigh Ride - This creative preset will make all your friends swoon over all your photos!
Snow Angel - Add some flair to your photos with this preset!
Snow White - A hazy preset to make your snow pretty white!
Snowflake - Just a touch of creativity with this preset!
Sugarplum - A purple tone that is beautiful in the snow!
Those Midtones - Enhance midtones with this preset!
Winter Contrast - Add some contrast to your photos with this preset!
Bold Contrast - Add lots of contrast to make your photos extra pop!
Some Contrast - Add just a little bit of contrast when you don't need a lot!
The best skin brush ever! - A skin brightening and smoothing brush that will enhance the skin!
Warm up the skin - Warm up skin with this brush!
Cheeks too red - tone down red cheeks to even out skin with this brush!
Примеры обработки экшенами:
Примеры обработки пресетами: Продажник: