Автор: MasterClass.com Название продукта: Гордон Рамзи учит кулинарии / Gordon Ramsay Teaches Cooking Год выпуска: 2017 Страна: USA Тематика: Кулинария Тип раздаваемого материала: Видеоурок Продолжительность: 3:53:56
Язык: Английский Перевод: Отсутствует Ссылка на курс от производителя:
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Описание: Преобразите то, как вы готовите Таким вы Гордона Рамзи еще не видели. Шеф-повар с семью звездами Мишелин возьмет вас с собой на свою домашнюю кухню и научит всему: от организации кухни и покупки свежайших продуктов до конструирования незабываемых блюд. В его Мастерклассе вы не просто учите рецепты, вы учитесь тому, как поднять вашу кулинарию на следующий уровень. 20 видео-уроков. Воркбук к курсу.
Transform your cooking This is Gordon Ramsay like you’ve never experienced. The seven-star Michelin chef takes you into his home kitchen to learn everything from kitchen setup and buying the freshest ingredients to constructing unforgettable dishes. In this MasterClass, you’re not just learning recipes, you’re learning how to take your cooking to the next level. 20 video lessons 01 Introduction Welcome to Gordon Ramsay's kitchen. Meet the Michelin star chef and learn what he has got planned for his students. 02 Gordon's Journey: Learning from Masters Learn how Gordon became one of the most recognizable chefs in the world. Hear how his passion for cooking brought him from his mother's home to some of the world's greatest kitchens. 03 Method: Kitchen Layout Take a tour of Gordon's own kitchen as he shares the design concepts driving its layout. He'll show you how just a few good pots, pans, utensils, and a hot plate are all you need to get cooking. 04 Mastering Ingredients: Vegetables & Herbs Do ugly vegetables taste better? Which are the most versatile herbs? Gordon shows you how to select great produce to create phenomenal dishes. 05 Make: Poached Egg & Mushrooms on Toast Learn how to make perfect poached eggs every time as Gordon shows you how to master one of his go-to breakfast dishes. 06 Method: Knife Skills Knife skills: The basics are so important. Gordon shows you how to properly sharpen and hold these critical tools, and the best ways to practice and improve your knife skills. 07 Make: Elevated Scrambled Eggs Even in a restaurant kitchen, cooking eggs is one of the most difficult tasks. Learn how to make the perfect scrambled eggs and elevate them by adding sea urchin and white truffle. 08 Method: Breaking Down a Whole Chicken Butchery 101. Learn how to get every ounce of goodness from a chicken by breaking it down into parts. 09 Make: Chicken Supr?me with Root Vegetables Ditch dry chicken. From the stove to the oven, learn how Gordon creates a simple, yet delicious entr?e using this humble protein. You won't want to miss the way Chef Ramsay roasts his root vegetables before plating this dish. 10 Mastering Ingredients: Fish & Shellfish Learn Gordon's top tips on what to look for at the fishmongers to make sure you only get the best quality ingredients. 11 Gordon's Journey: Becoming a Master Gordon details his path for mastering his craft, from opening his first restaurant, to gaining his third Michelin star, and to building a culinary empire. 12 Method: Breaking Down a Whole Fish Do you find the thought of tackling a whole fish intimidating? Gordon gives you a step-by-step tutorial on how to fillet a whole salmon. 13 Make: Salmon with Shellfish Minestrone Gain essential tips and tricks for cooking skin-on fish fillets. Gordon shows you how to perfectly cook salmon and create a delicious, light supper with an elegant shellfish and vegetable minestrone. 14 Method: Making Pasta Dough While studying in Italy, Gordon learned the process of creating handmade fresh pasta for incredible Italian dishes. Now, he's sharing what he's learned with you. 15 Method: Rolling Pasta Dough Gordon shows you how to roll out delicate, paper thin pasta that's perfect for ravioli, tortellini, fettuccine, and a variety of other noodles. 16 Make: Lobster Ravioli Since its opening, only one dish has remained on the menu at three Michelin star Restaurant Gordon Ramsay: lobster ravioli. Now, Gordon shares the recipe for its signature filling and shows you how to shape and fill your ravioli to perfection. 17 Mastering Ingredients: Beef, Lamb & Pork Gordon didn't always have the luxury of cooking with expensive ingredients. Here he shows you how to get the most from a variety of cuts of beef, lamb and pork. 18 Make: Beef Wellington He's served over a million of this classic dish all around the globe! Now, Gordon demystifies his iconic Beef Wellington for you to share this showstopper with friends and family. 19 Advice for Life The path hasn't always been easy for Gordon. Listen to his universal advice for how to succeed. 20 Closing Wrap up your MasterClass with a few final words of encouragement from Gordon. Class Workbook A downloadable workbook accompanies the class with lesson recaps, recipes, and supplemental materials.
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