Что вы получите: 17 часов видео 9 статей 2 ресурса для скачивания
О курсе: Welcome to Python for Financial Analysis and Algorithmic Trading! Are you interested in how people use Python to conduct rigorous financial analysis and pursue algorithmic trading, then this is the right course for you!
This course will guide you through everything you need to know to use Python for Finance and Algorithmic Trading! We'll start off by learning the fundamentals of Python, and then proceed to learn about the various core libraries used in the Py-Finance Ecosystem, including jupyter, numpy, pandas, matplotlib, statsmodels, zipline, Quantopian, and much more!
We'll cover the following topics used by financial professionals: Python Fundamentals NumPy for High Speed Numerical Processing Pandas for Efficient Data Analysis Matplotlib for Data Visualization Using pandas-datareader and Quandl for data ingestion Pandas Time Series Analysis Techniques Stock Returns Analysis Cumulative Daily Returns Volatility and Securities Risk EWMA (Exponentially Weighted Moving Average) Statsmodels ETS (Error-Trend-Seasonality) ARIMA (Auto-regressive Integrated Moving Averages) Auto Correlation Plots and Partial Auto Correlation Plots Sharpe Ratio Portfolio Allocation Optimization Efficient Frontier and Markowitz Optimization Types of Funds Order Books Short Selling Capital Asset Pricing Model Stock Splits and Dividends Efficient Market Hypothesis Algorithmic Trading with Quantopian Futures Trading
Содержание складчины Course Introduction 07:10 Introduction to Course 02:12 Course Overview Lecture (DON'T SKIP THIS!) 03:32 Did you skip the last lecture? Please go back and view it! 00:25 Course FAQ 01:00 – Course Materials and Set-up 09:33 Course Installation Help Notes 00:45 Course Installation Guide 08:48 – Python Crash Course 01:02:33 Welcome to the Python Crash Course 00:19 Introduction to Crash Course 01:16 Python Crash Course Part One 19:00 Python Crash Course Part Two 13:37 Python Crash Course Part Three 15:02 Python Crash Course Exercises 04:13 Python Crash Course Exercise Solutions 09:06 – NumPy 47:01 Welcome to NumPy 00:23 Introduction to NumPy 01:37 NumPy Arrays 15:47 Numpy Operations 04:19 Numpy Indexing 10:54 NumPy Review Exercise 04:10 Numpy Exercise Solutions 09:51 – General Pandas Overview 01:55:35 Welcome to Pandas 00:22 Introduction to Pandas 02:39 Series 06:58 DataFrames 15:34 DataFrames Part Two 16:59 DataFrames Part Three 09:01 Missing Data 06:14 Group By with Pandas 06:37 Merging, Joining, and Concatenating DataFrames 09:10 Pandas Common Operations 12:12 Data Input and Output 13:50 General Pandas Review Exercises 03:06 General Pandas Exercise Solutions 12:53 – Visualization with Matplotlib and Pandas 01:41:48 Welcome to Visualization 00:23 Introduction to Visualization in Python 01:48 Matplotlib Basics - Part One 18:45 Matplotlib Basics - Part Two 15:31 Matplotlib Part Three 11:43 Matplotlib Exercise 03:42 Matplotlib Exercise Solutions 10:08 Pandas Visualization Overview 12:07 Pandas Time Series Visualization 17:32 Pandas Visualization Exercise Overview 01:18 Pandas Visualization Exercise Solutions 08:51 – Data Sources 16:28 Introduction to Data Sources 01:21 Note on Pandas Datareader 00:09 Pandas DataReader 04:37 Quandl 10:21 – Pandas with Time Series Data 47:27 Welcome to Pandas for Time Series 00:13 Introduction to Time Series with Pandas 00:58 Datetime Index 09:38 Time Resampling 12:48 Time Shifts 05:58 Pandas Rolling and Expanding 17:52 – Capstone Stock Market Analysis Project 01:02:24 Welcome to the Capstone Project! 00:30 Stock Market Analysis Project 06:38 Stock Market Analysis Project Solutions Part One 20:25 Python Stock Market Analysis Solutions - Part Two 09:36 Stock Market Analysis Project Solutions Part Three 16:52 Stock Market Analysis Project Solutions Part Four 08:23 – Time Series Analysis 01:51:00 Welcome to Time Series Analysis 00:33 Introduction to Time Series 02:51 Time Series Basics 03:58 Introduction to Statsmodels 12:29 ETS Theory 04:16 EWMA Theory 02:49 EWMA Code Along 14:24 ETS Code Along 06:24 ARIMA Theory 09:33 ACF and PACF 06:20 ARIMA with Statsmodels 11:42 Quick Note on Second Milk Difference! 00:31 ARIMA Code Part Two 13:59 ARIMA Code Part Three 06:49 ARIMA Code Part Four 14:14 Discussion on choosing PDQ 00:08 - Python Finance Fundamentals 02:02:19 Welcome to Finance Fundamentals 00:36 Introduction to Python Finance Fundamentals 00:49 Sharpe Ratio Slides 07:16 Portfolio Allocation Code Along Part One 15:31 Portfolio Allocation Code Along Part Two 06:44 Portfolio Optimization 05:14 Portfolio Optimization Code Along One 14:44 Portfolio Optimization Code Along Two 07:45 Portfolio Optimization Code Along Three 16:32 Key Financial Topics 01:06 Types of Funds 06:09 Order Books 14:35 Short Selling 02:35 CAPM - Capital Asset Pricing Model 05:18 CAPM Code Along 12:09 Stock Splits and Dividends 03:16 EMH 02:00 - Basics of Algorithmic Trading with Quantopian 02:26:12 Welcome to the Quantopian Section 00:24 Introduction to Quantopian 09:27 Note on get_fundamentals 00:12 Quantopian Research Basics 16:46 Quantopian Algorithms Basics Part One 16:17 Quantopian Algorithms Basics Part Two 17:17 First Trading Algorithm - Part One 16:47 First Trading Algorithm - Part Two 16:44 Trading Algorithm Exercise 04:50 Trading Algorithm Exercise Solutions Part One 12:36 Trading Algorithm Exercise Solutions Part Two 02:38 Quantopian Pipelines Factors 16:59 Quantopian Pipelines Filters 05:58 Quantopian Pipeline - Masking and Classifiers 09:17 - Advanced Quantopian and Trading Algorithms 02:46:02 Welcome to Trading Algorithms 00:48 Pipeline Trading Algorithm Example - Code Along - Part One 13:34 Pipeline Trading Algorithm - Code Along - Part Two 10:27 Quick note 00:08 Pipeline Trading Algorithm Code along Part Three 19:28 Leverage 12:48 Hedging 14:17 Hedging- Part Two 14:54 Portfolio Analysis with PyFolio 15:20 Stock Sentiment Analysis Project 16:23 What are Futures? 09:02 Futures on Quantopian 18:19 Futures on Quantopian Part Two 20:34 - BONUS OFFERS 00:32 Bonus Lecture: Coupons 00:32
Содержание складчины (файлы и папки) 01 Course Introduction 001 Introduction to Course.mp4 [4m 137k 339] 002 Course Overview Lecture DONT SKIP THIS.mp4 [4m 688k 27] 003 Did you skip the last lecture Please go back and view it.html [1k 34] 004 Course FAQ.html [2k 131]
05 General Pandas Overview 021 Welcome to Pandas.mp4 [924k 328] 022 Introduction to Pandas.mp4 [3m 101k 629] 023 Series.mp4 [8m 931k 457] 024 DataFrames.mp4 [23m 987k 437] 025 DataFrames Part Two.mp4 [25m 614k 111] 026 DataFrames Part Three.mp4 [11m 663k 631] 027 Missing Data.mp4 [7m 466k 243] 028 Group By with Pandas.mp4 [9m 10k 551] 029 Merging Joining and Concatenating DataFrames.mp4 [15m 807k 82] 030 Pandas Common Operations.mp4 [15m 7k 374] 031 Data Input and Output.mp4 [20m 456k 213] 032 General Pandas Review Exercises.mp4 [4m 952k 694] 033 General Pandas Exercise Solutions.mp4 [19m 692k 445]
06 Visualization with Matplotlib and Pandas 034 Welcome to Visualization.mp4 [957k 463] 035 Introduction to Visualization in Python.mp4 [2m 120k 936] 036 Matplotlib Basics - Part One.mp4 [23m 910k 407] 037 Matplotlib Basics - Part Two.mp4 [19m 433k 998] 038 Matplotlib Part Three.mp4 [18m 10k 588] 039 Matplotlib Exercise.mp4 [5m 917k 496] 040 Matplotlib Exercise Solutions.mp4 [17m 35k 344] 041 Pandas Visualization Overview.mp4 [17m 669k 2] 042 Pandas Time Series Visualization.mp4 [23m 268k 551] 043 Pandas Visualization Exercise Overview.mp4 [2m 999k 107] 044 Pandas Visualization Exercise Solutions.mp4 [17m 519k 452]
07 Data Sources 045 Introduction to Data Sources.mp4 [1m 609k 741] 046 Pandas DataReader.mp4 [5m 541k 548] 047 Quandl.mp4 [15m 711k 956]
08 Pandas with Time Series Data 048 Welcome to Pandas for Time Series.mp4 [518k 810] 049 Introduction to Time Series with Pandas.mp4 [1m 132k 72] 050 Datetime Index.mp4 [11m 69k 56] 051 Time Resampling.mp4 [20m 230k 262] 052 Time Shifts.mp4 [9m 566k 586] 053 Pandas Rolling and Expanding.mp4 [23m 698k 731]
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